The 7 Things You Should Never Say to Women Online
Not sure what to say to women online? Learn the 7 things you should never write to women online.
By NEM Founder, Joshua Pompey
Every day of my life I log onto the dating accounts of some of the most beautiful, amazing, and successful women walking this earth. In a perfect world, my clients would receive thoughtful, intelligent, and witty messages from guys on a daily basis. The reality? Most men have absolutely no clue what to say to women online.
The truth is, my clients are absolutely dying for a great guy to come along and write them an email that get’s them excited. Unfortunately, this rarely ever happens. Most of the emails that come their way not only generate very little interest, but completely kill any potential chance of sparking an attraction. Before you can actually learn what to say to women online in order to attract them, you need to learn what not to do. In this article, I am going to discuss 7 things that you should never write to women online if you ever wish to get past the first email. And women, if you agree, please share this with the rest of the male dating world.