5 Online Dating Pick Up Lines You Can Use Right Now

5 Online Dating Pick Up Lines

You Can Use Right Now

Want the best online dating pick up lines?  We have you covered.

By NEM Founder, Joshua Pompey

Important disclaimer before using any pick up lines below:

Think you are ready to start sending out pick up lines?  Before you send a single email, please be advised, even the best pick up lines will never work if you do not have a flawlessly constructed profile.

A proper profile knows how to tap into various internal qualities that women are attracted to, through every single word that is written, and every picture that is posted.  If you use these pick up lines before you are ready, you will be wasting opportunities that you will never have again.  There are no do overs.  If you fail the first time, trying again a few days or weeks later will only make you appear desperate.  To receive professional help with your online dating profile, click here now.

With that said, below are 5 online dating pick up lines that you could use right now.  Take note that online dating pick up lines that work are not sleazy, manipulative, or cheesy like some “pick up artists,” mislead clients into writing.  The most effective way to open is to be light-hearted, playful, and unique, while tapping into internal attraction builders that women naturally respond to.  In addition, each pick up line is designed to show you actually “read” her profile, so you must briefly scan it.  If they don’t believe you read it, they won’t respond.  Combine a great pick up line with a flawless profile and you too can have a response rate of over 80% just like I do.

The Older Woman Pick Up Line

So here’s the thing…

I know your profile says you are looking for a man between the ages of 42 and 52, but I’m thinking between my charm, wit, (and devishly handsome good looks?) we can add at least 8 years to my age, so I’m thinking we should probably talk no?

(Follow this with a question based on a commonality you both have)

The Dog Lover Pick Up Line

Come on now… Here I am putting up the world’s cutest dog picture just to get the attention of a dog lover like yourself, and not even a hello? I had to steal that dog from a six year old in the park for that photo op, and damn her grandmother could run fast. Not cool! 😉


…then again, I do see that you (insert question based on a commonality)

The Lifetime Ban Pick Up Line

(Requires a woman who uses adjectives in her profile to describe what she is looking for in a man. Choose three and insert them into the pickup line)

Just a friendly warning. You might want to be careful about publicly declaring that you are an intelligent, caring, and well-rounded woman. Rumor is that you could get a lifetime ban for having those qualities on this site. Just thought I’d help out a great girl like you before it’s too late… 😉

…then again, am I just the only one who seems to encounter the craziest people ever on this site? Some of the messages I receive on here are absolutely hilarious (and by hilarious, I mean terrifying!)…

* This line will lead to fun stories, while simultaneously communicating you are one of the good ones.

4. The she winked, liked, or favorited, but didn’t say hello pick up line.

We may have a problem here…

Just a wink? I hope you say more on a first date or I’m afraid this just isn’t going to work out you know… 😉

(Follow this with a question based on a commonality)

5. The extremely short profile pick up line.

Come on now… I know you are kind of cute and all, but how are you going to win me over with a profile like that? I hope you are at least buying dinner on our first date to earn some points back… (Follow this with a question based on a commonality)

Special Offer


Want some free online dating pick up lines created by the world’s best online dating expert?

Like any of these pick up lines?  Before you go ahead and start using them, I must stress one more time that without a perfect profile, these will almost never work. On the other hand, if you combine some of my best pickup lines with a profile that taps into attraction with every single word, your response rate will go through the roof with beautiful women.

Click here to visit our world famous profile writing service and enter coupon code 30 for a full 30 dollars off any custom made profile.

If you really want to get serious and take the VIP route, learn how our NEM professionals can completely take over your online dating life, by writing your profile, crafting the best pick up lines and emails five days a week, and allowing you to live the VIP life of your dreams.  Click here to learn more