5 Online Dating Pick Up Lines
You Can Use Right Now
Want the best online dating pick up lines? We have you covered.
By NEM Founder, Joshua Pompey
Important disclaimer before using any pick up lines below:
Think you are ready to start sending out pick up lines? Before you send a single email, please be advised, even the best pick up lines will never work if you do not have a flawlessly constructed profile.
A proper profile knows how to tap into various internal qualities that women are attracted to, through every single word that is written, and every picture that is posted. If you use these pick up lines before you are ready, you will be wasting opportunities that you will never have again. There are no do overs. If you fail the first time, trying again a few days or weeks later will only make you appear desperate. To receive professional help with your online dating profile, click here now.
With that said, below are 5 online dating pick up lines that you could use right now. Take note that online dating pick up lines that work are not sleazy, manipulative, or cheesy like some “pick up artists,” mislead clients into writing. The most effective way to open is to be light-hearted, playful, and unique, while tapping into internal attraction builders that women naturally respond to. In addition, each pick up line is designed to show you actually “read” her profile, so you must briefly scan it. If they don’t believe you read it, they won’t respond. Combine a great pick up line with a flawless profile and you too can have a response rate of over 80% just like I do.