Online Dating Pick Up Lines
How to Write the Perfect Online Dating Pick Up Line in 60 Seconds or Less
By NEM Founder, Joshua Pompey
Each and every day, millions of men on dating sites copy and paste the same online dating pick up line to dozens of women, hoping for results. Sure, using the same pick up line over and over may get one or two responses from every fifty messages you send, but is that really the type of success you are looking for?
On the other hand, it is more than understandable why you wouldn’t want to take the time to write unique and creative emails. Not only is trying to figure out what to say to women online difficult and time consuming, but there is no way of knowing whether or not all this hard work will result in a response.
The solution? With my highly effective 1-2 emailing system for writing emails, you will be able to use pick up lines that not only get tremendous results, but even appear original. And the best part? This will take less than 60 seconds every time. Let’s take a look at the process, followed by a specific email example at the end, along with five online dating pick up lines you can use right now!